Jomas Bed&Breakfast

745.6 mfrom the city center

from 11,282 ₽

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Mühlenstrasse 64, Veldhausen

Description of the guest house


The main advantage of a guest house is home comfort. Guest house «Jomas Bed&Breakfast» is located in Veldhausen. This guest house is located 1 km from the city center.

Facts about the guest house

Type of electrical socket

Type C

230 V / 50 Hz

Type C


230 V / 50 Hz

What other amenities are there?


Check-in terms and conditions

Check-in and check-out
After 12:30
Until 10:30


In the guest house
In cash
In the currency of the guest house — EUR
On the website
Some rates can be paid by bank card when booking online. You can use points to make a partial or full payment of your booking. You can pay for your booking by using a promo code if you have one.
In the mobile app
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For corporate clients
If you'd like to pay for the order by wire transfer as a legal entity, please send an e-mail to